In a quiet room with no distractions perform the following eye exercises to strengthen eye muscles and the neurological relays to your brain stem and motor systems of your brain. These exercises will affect neck postural muscles and balance functions. Perform in a seated position. To ensure Neuroplasicity and muscle re-education are taking place these exercises should be performed 3-5 X/Day.
Eye Warm-ups
Come into a tall posture, look straight ahead, raise eyes to look up and then forward. Repeat 10 times prior to exercise.
Convergence Training
With your arm extended, slowly bring a pen (or your finger) to mid-line towards your nose, eyes following the whole time. Once you reach your nose, hold for 10 seconds. Slowly bring pen out—maintaining eye focus. Repeat for a total of 5 to 10 times. 2-3 X/day
Small Circles
Perform slow, small eye circles with a pen (or your finger) around the weak eye as noted on your take home sheet. Go in opposite directions after each revolution Maintain eye focus the entire time. Perform for 30 seconds—1 minute. 2-3x/day
Large Eye Circles
Perform slow, large eye circles with a pen (or finger) around the weak eye as noted on your take home sheet. Go in opposite directions after each revolution. Hold gaze at the “outside” of the circle for 10 seconds. Perform for 30 seconds-1 minute. 2-3 X/day